Welcome to One…It’s a lot of Fun!
Early in grade one we spend time revising concepts learnt in Prep before identifying the next steps for learning. Each week at school, we complete Reading, Writing and Math sessions which are targeted at your child’s ability. We also spend time learning computer techniques and skills, designed to develop independence and confidence when using technology.

Curriculum in Year 1
In English, students in Year 1 read and explore a range of fiction and non-fiction texts. We continue to learn Magic Words to help each child with their reading fluency and confidence to attempt new texts. Once students have completed the reading of the Magic Words, they then learn how to spell them. We target each child’s learning goals through our Guided Reading groups and provide fun and engaging opportunities to practise and apply reading skills.
During our writing sessions we expose students to a range of different text types such as Recounts, Narratives, Poetry, Information Reports, Persuasive, Expositions and Procedural texts. Students are explicitly taught phonics according to their needs and abilities through streamed Read Write Inc lessons. To help students learn to broaden their vocabulary, they are given a different ‘Show and Share’ topic each week in preparation for oral presentations.
In Mathematics, we continue to develop counting fluency, such as counting forwards, backwards and skip counting. We further student understandings of number place value by exploring how to read, make, order and partition numbers into tens and ones. Students learn strategies to assist them in solving addition and subtraction equations. We also explore money, simple fractions, location and many applied mathematical skills such as measurement, shape and chance.
Extra Curricular Activities

Throughout Year 1, your child will participate in several events that are special to this year level including events such as the Grandparents Morning Tea, visiting Animal Land Children’s Farm, Kingswim lessons and the Life Ed Program – Harold’s Friendship