At Mernda Primary School, we value Relationships and Respect for all.

School Wide Positive Behaviours
We encourage positive behaviours and attitudes through our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Matrix of Expected Behaviours and Curriculum programs. This matrix supports our school values of RESPECT
We work through our curriculum programs and daily interactions in our school community to develop these values in conjunction with the behaviours of the student matrix. Our teachers use these programs to build consistency and clear student understandings of the expectations.

Our students are encouraged and recognised for demonstrating their ability to be safe, be kind and to be a learner.
VIVO Rewards System

We acknowledge our students by giving recognition verbally as well as through the VIVO AWARD SYSTEM.
This recognition is given in all school settings and our students are encouraged to display these behaviours and demonstrate our school values. Parents can access this electronic reward system and give further positive feedback and encouragement to their children as they accumulate points for their effort.
Student Leadership Opportunities

Our program offers students leadership opportunities through our Peer Support Leaders group. The students working in this group are given the skills and support to work with students and teachers throughout the school.
They have responsibilities to attend CHILLOUT, FANTASTIC FRIENDS in the FROG BOG and VIVO REWARDS, giving them a forum to contribute to the school and to develop skills and friendships in a positive climate to connect with their peers.