At Mernda Primary School we believe that home learning should be an opportunity to reinforce understandings and skills introduced in the classroom. It allows students to develop sound study habits, organisational skills and to take responsibility for their own learning. Home learning provides an important link between home and school.
Most of the home learning time will be spent on reading (take home texts, library texts, texts you have at home), Reading Eggs/Reading Eggspress, Mathletics and Mangahigh but there are also other tasks set by teachers.

Across the school , teachers implement a Home Learning Grid at every year level. The format and requirements will vary according to each student’s year level. This grid will have a range of activities that students and families can choose their home learning task(s) from. The home learning expectation is that students will continue to read each day and complete activities from the grid.
There may also be times where a student is expected to complete a certain task from the grid to specifically support their classroom learning needs. The teacher will indicate this on the grid.
Occasionally, to support classroom programs, all students may be asked to complete a common task or project for home learning. You will receive additional information about this from your child’s teacher when the task or project is set
Home learning is provided to students in order to:
- give them another opportunity for individualised learning to continue outside of school time
- develop strong work and study habits
- further develop their time management skills
- encourage them to understand that education is a lifelong process and does not exist solely in a school
- allow families the opportunity to share their knowledge and skills with each other
- give them an opportunity to consolidate their learning in the classroom
We expect that:
- home learning will be completed and returned to school as required
- a note will be sent if your child’s home learning is not completed
- parents and families will support home learning and the school’s home learning policy
- class time will not be spent on completing home learning
- teachers will check home learning
There are many ways you can help your child with their home learning including:
- encouraging a regular daily time to complete home learning
- discussing key questions or suggesting resources to help with home learning
- helping create a balance between time spent doing home learning and recreational activities
- celebrating your child’s successes and achievements
- attending school events, productions or displays your child is involved in
- talking to teachers to discuss any problems with home learning