Join us in three…for a learning spree!
In Year 3 students are considered part of the senior school and embark on new areas in their learning journey. This year provides opportunity for students to apply for a position of responsibility as Student Representative Council (SRC) members, which is a leadership group with a student from each class in Year 3-6. These students represent their class and bring ideas to regular meetings where they organise fundraisers, school events and take part in school decision making.
Year 3 Curriculum

In English, Year Three students develop a range of strategies to help them read and understand a variety of text types and genres. Students complete activities to interpret information in the text and are able to answer comprehension questions to show what they have understood. Students practise making connections with a text based on personal or world experiences and spend time discussing this with others. Students continue to build on imaginative and informative text types including narrative, recount, persuasive and poetry. Spelling programs completed in the year level include ‘Read, Write, Inc’ and SRA Spelling which target students’ individual needs.
In Mathematics, Year Three students complete regular pre-tests to target learning needs and provide challenging tasks to apply their skills. Lessons are structured to include whole class introduction followed by activities catered to student abilities. Teachers try to incorporate a range of tasks to engage students with a mixture of hands on activities and written work. Students are exposed to multiple topics including Place Value, Fractions, Multiplication, Chance, Shape and Measurement.
Through out Inquiry units students investigate areas such as geography and history. The topics explored during the year are Australian History, Aboriginal culture, Multiculturalism, Sustainability and ethical responsibilities. Students to complete research tasks to expand their knowledge of these areas and present their finding in a range of ways including artworks or verbal and digital presentations.
Developing their personal and social skills, students take part in activities focussing on their interaction with classmates, understanding the complexities of friendship and how to treat others with respect. Students reflect on their own strengths and weaknesses through mindfulness and practising gratitude.
Extra Curricular Activities
As part of the Performing Arts program students in Year 3 now participate in the ‘3-6 Twilight Picnic Concert’ where all the Year 3-6 grades perform on the big stage on the oval. Families and whole MPS community are invited to bring along a picnic dinner and enjoy the show. All 3-6 grades will perform a song and dance with their classmates as part of a school production.

A special event which is unique to Year 3 is Bike Education, where students are given to opportunity to learn how to safely ride a bike and develop their confidence in riding. Students complete a 5 week program with classroom teachers and the Health and PE program, which is conducted on the school grounds. We are very well resourced for this program as Mernda Primary School has a fleet of bicycles that are maintained and serviced to support Bike Education. This means that your child is only required to supply a well fitted and safe helmet in order to participate. They also learn about caring for their bikes, safety precautions and reading road signs.